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Products We SellWhen it comes to insurance products and income planning, we've got you covered. Learn more about our asset protection and income producing strategies & products.
Who We Are
Association of Financial Consultants (AFC) is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our mission is simple, offer high-quality education through free educational workshops and classes in a non-selling environment. Our fiduciaries and financial professionals provide valuable services to their communities. These events are carefully crafted to educate attendees on a variety of financial topics. Our members include Financial Professionals from a wide range of specialties committed to public service. Our educational and informative financial outreach continues to motivate an elevated high standard of excellence.
What We Do
AFC provides educational workshops and classes at no cost or obligation to the attendees. Our consultants & fiduciaries are committed to ongoing education to help their clients navigate and understand complex financial topics through simple language and are bound by a Code of Conduct that demands integrity, accountability and transparency.
ANOFE consists of financial and other licensed professionals who work in their local community as an advocate to provide free, unbiased, and much needed financial education and support for its citizens.
ANOFE’s Mission: To serve our communities as a financial and educational resource and provide unbiased recommendations and information to enable more informed retirement planning decisions and to secure the future of our clients by living our stated values every day.
Lifestyle Income Strategies is a charter member of ANOFE and we offer a variety of free educational resources including: onsite classes, webinars, financial articles, retirement & income analysis reports, books, CD’s, and instructional videos.
Website: • Corporate Phone: 214-705-012
Lifestyle Income Strategies is a member of the prestigious The organization has a simple mission. Educate people about annuities and help them determine whether an annuity is right for their retirement portfolios. We provide unbiased information on a multitude of topics to give them the information they need to make optimal decisions for their own specific needs. Because we are not an insurance company, we have been able to remain a consumer-focused site, providing timely, objective and quality information since 1996.
Lifestyle Income StrategiesLifestyle Income Strategies was founded by Micheal Holt for the purpose of providing retirement planning advice to seniors and their families. The company serves Southern California and has offices in San Diego and Orange County. We specialize in offering financial planning, insurance services, and alternative investments to help retirees protect and preserve their savings as well as produce lifelong income to meet their lifestyle. In today’s financial environment, it is very important to know how to protect your assets and to have that “peace of mind” about your financial future.